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Nepali Embassy of London Hosted Special ceremony on democracy day (Photo Feature)

नेपालब्रिटेन डट कम्
५ फाल्गुन २०७६, सोमबार १९:३८

Nottingham: The Embassy of Nepal in London hosted a special ceremony on the occasion of democracy day of Nepal, in the cooperation of Nottingham Nepali Society, Midlands today in Nottingham. This ceremony has been organised to promote visit Nepal 2020 campaign.

Gracing the Special Ceremony as the Chief Guest, Lord Mayor of Nottingham Rt. Hon. Rosemary Healy mentioned that this ceremony which has been hosted for the first time in Midland will be great to promote bilateral relations between two countries and people to people relations of two great countries. She mentioned that she was encouraged to promote visit Nepal 2020 campaign and invited all to visit Nepal.

H. E. Ambassador of Nepal Dr. Durga Bahadur Subedi urged all the British well wishers and Nepalese to promote VNY 2020 and requested to visit Nepal with family and friends. On the occasion DCM Mr. Sharad Raj Aran made a presentation about the nature, culture and VNY 2020. Naumati Baja from Bermingham played different music and artists from Midlands area performed six cultural dances on Nepali songs.

Tourism video has been displayed. About 350 guests including Mayor, Councillors, diplomats including members of Nepalese diaspora organisation attended the Ceremony. H. E. Ambassador and the Rt. Hon. Lord Mayor honoured the executive members of Nottingham Nepalese Society and appreciated for their cooperation and contributions.