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HPRR Bhandari wishes all the best to Alex

नेपालब्रिटेन डट कम्
२२ फाल्गुन २०७३, आईतवार ०९:१५

Honorary Public Relation Representative (HPRR) of Nepal Tourism Board (NTB) for UK, Mr Pashupati Bhandari, met Alex Conty– a London-based physiotherapist — who is leaving for Nepal on Monday to undertake 120-day long trekking along the ‘Great Himalaya Trail.’
Mr Bhandari presented Nepal and Britain badges to Alex and honoured him with a khada. He wished him a safe trek along the Nepal Himalayas and said his determination to go on such a challenging trek for a humanitarian cause was really exemplary. “Two years after the 2015 earthquake, we hope your trek will help convey the message that Nepal is safe for foreign tourists and trekkers,” said Bhandari adding, “NTB will be happy to extend every possible help for your expedition.”
During a meeting on Saturday, Yadav Bhandari, director of the Everest Inn Group of Restaurants in the UK, also wished all the best to Alex and hoped that this trip would help make people aware about autism among children. “You have taken a huge challenge and we pray for your success,” he added.
Alex wants to raise £100,000 for autism charities in Nepal and UK walking along 1,700 Kms across mountains from east to west Nepal.

The route will take at least 120 days to complete and is one of the longest, highest and most challenging trails in the world. It runs beside eight of the world’s tallest peaks, including Everest, and includes passes that are more than 6,000 metres high.
“This is the first time I am travelling to Nepal but I am really excited to take up this challenge to help set up a National Center for Autism in Nepal, among others,” said Alex adding,” I am grateful towards all those who are supporting this mission and have sent their best wishes,” he added.
The Autism Care Nepal Society (ACNS) estimates that there up to 300,000 people affected by autism in Nepal, but many people are not aware of this condition and support services are largely absent and limited in the capital Kathmandu only.
Those who want to support this mission can do so by visiting this link: