In a statement issued today Prof Dr Surya P. Subedi, has expressed his solidarity and support for the campaign of Prof Dr Govind KC designed to depoliticise the management and administration of Nepal’s academic sector and promote academic freedom and has called upon the Government to fulfil and implement with sincerity his demands. Recalling that one of the areas of focus of the Global Policy Forum for Nepal in its first global conference held in Kathmandu last year was on the need for de-politicisation of the management and administration of Nepal’s academic sector, Professor Subedi has said that in order to usher the country towards economic development, prosperity and good governance the Government of Nepal should demonstrate its commitment to academic freedom and address without any delay the demands of Prof Dr KC.
Prof Subedi is the Founding Chairman of the Britain-Nepal Academic Council, Chairman of the Global Policy Forum for Nepal, Professor of International Law at the University of Leeds, UK, and Chairman of the Board of Editors of the Asian Journal of International Law published by Cambridge University Press,